Our Tea Room/茶室紹介/茶室簡介
茶室 「友香庵」
The Yuko-an, an authentic traditional Japanese Tea room, was built in 2013 at the City University of Hong Kong for cultural and educational exchange.
Yuko-an comes from the combination of two Kanji - “friendship” and “Hong Kong”, wishing for the friendship between Hong Kong and Japan.
「友香庵」於2013年在香港城市大學建成,為一所傳統日本茶室, 用於進行茶道培訓, 教育及文化交流活動。
「友香庵」取名自兩組漢字--「友誼」 和 「香港」,祝願藉由茶道來促進香港和日本間的友誼。